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Ghost Cowboy is about real tales from the 19th-century American frontier, when the Old West was young. Most of the posts here are actual news items from the 1800s and early 1900s. We'll be adding "new" content every week. Travel with us and sign up for an account, and you'll be able to leave comments and post in our forums. Your trailmasters, Ken in Alabama and Dave in Virginia, don't get to saddle up and vacation out west as often as they'd like, so they started this site. Drop us a note.


Crow Encampment: c1908

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Crow Encampment: c1908: A Crow Indian encampment with tipis, tents, wagons, horses and men as seen from the distant shore of the river. Photograph was taken by Edward s. Curtis, c1908.A Crow Indian encampment with tipis, tents, wagons, horses and men as seen from the distant shore of the river. Photograph was taken by Edward s. Curtis, c1908. View full image.


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Hurries in Special Car with Titled Englishmen to Join in Bandit Hunt.

Special to The New York Times / November 2, 1904
OMAHA, Neb., Nov. 1. -- "Buffalo Bill" got word here to-night that Cashier Middaugh of the First National Bank of Cody, Wyoming, had been killed by two bandits who tried to rob the bank, and, failing, escaped after firing the fatal shot.

Canon de Chelly: c1904

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Canon de Chelly: c1904: Seven Navajo riders on horseback and a dog trek in front of the Canon de Chelly cliffs in Arizona. Photograph taken c1904 by Edward S. Curtis.Seven Navajo riders on horseback and a dog trek in front of the Canon de Chelly cliffs in Arizona. Photograph taken c1904 by Edward S. Curtis. View full image.

New Mexico crime log: 1882

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Briefs published in the Rio Grande Republican (Las Cruces, New Mexico) / February 4, 1882

A Chinaman shot.
On the 30th of January last, a party of roughs, considerably the worse for liquor, came into the camp and commenced cutting up very roughly, by hooting and yelling. Passing by the cabin of a Chinese laundry, they fired into it, and struck one of the Chinamen in the leg, and, it is said, broke it. The indignation of the law-abiding citizens was aroused, and it was determined to put a stop to such doings at once and forever. A meeting was called, resolutions adopted, and the roughs ordered out of the camp at the point of a Winchester. The left, and will not be in a hurry to return. The wounded man was placed under medical care, and is recovering.


Shorpy  The 100-Year-Old Photo Blog!

Juniper Gallery  Fine-art prints of the photos on this site.

Turnpike Cruiser  Photos of the present-day West, with an emphasis on Arizona and Bisbee, and the Canadian Rockies.

PatentRoom  Patent illustrations from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Buy as prints.

Plan59  Retro 1950s illustrations. Cars! Happy wives! Demonic Tots!

Box of Apples  Fruit-crate art from the turn of the century, available as fine-art prints.

AdventureLounge  Aircraft patent drawings and early aviation history. Will it fly?