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Newspaper Account / Nov. 17, 1888

VINITA, Indian Territory, Nov. 17 -- The notorious Kep Queen, from Texas and Colorado, was killed near Claremore, in the Cherokee Nation, Last night by the District Sheriff, E. Sanders, and posse, and his body was brought to this city to-day. A week ago it became known that Queen and some of his outlaw followers were in the city. They were finally discovered in a cabin about a mile from the Dog Creek Court House. Last night the Sheriff made up a party and, going to the place, they secreted themselves about the premises. One of the number went into the house and asked permission to warm his feet. He stated on coming out that two men were lying in bed, but covered their hands with a blanket. As he left the house, two women who were there went to the stable and saddled three horses and led them up. Three men then came out and mounted and they were riding away, when called upon to halt. The answer was a pistol shot, which was returned by a volley from the officials. Queen went down, mortally wounded, one of his companions was unhorsed, and an instant later the other horse was killed. Queen's two companions, one of whom was John Barber, made their escape in different directions, on foot and hatless. Barber was wounded. The women were Queen's wife and Barber's sister. Queen spent the time between the shooting and his death in praying and cursing and talking with the women.

Both Queen and Barber were engaged in the attempted robbery of the Missouri Pacific train near Gibson station last June. Rewards are standing in Texas for his capture, dead or alive. Gov. Ross of that State has been telegraphed, and the body will be held until he is heard from. The Cisco and other bank robberies are laid at Queen's door, and his sudden death will not be seriously regretted. Not one of the Sheriff's party was wounded.



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