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Meeting in the Copper Queen


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New York Times / April 24, 1876


stalkFORT LARAMIE, April 23. -- H. E. Brown, of Salt Lake, one of the proprietors of Gilmore, Salisbury & Patrick's stage line, is lying 60 miles from here at Sage Creek badly wounded. Two ambulances and an escort, accompanied by Acting Assistant Surgeon Petteys, of the United States Army, have just been sent by Gen. Bradley to bring him here. Mr. Brown was shot by the Indians on the night of the 21st inst. He was making a night trip on one of the fast freight wagons, and was sitting by the side of the driver, when they were suddenly fired upon, a ball striking Mr. Brown near the point of the left hip, after striking the brass shell of a cartridge in his belt, which is forced into the wound, both remaining in his body and making a very bad case. He will reach here to-morrow night or Tuesday morning.

Of the three wounded men from the red Cañon massacre of the 16th inst., two have died -- Bergeser, of Virginia City, Nev., and Gresham, of Bigelow, Holt County, Mo. Felton was still alive at last accounts. The colored woman who was captured was killed. Her body was found full of arrows and mutilated. She also had been ravished.

LEAVENWORTH, April 23. -- Advices have been received here that some time during Thursday night, a family of emigrants named Baker, consisting of a man, his wife, and two children, from somewhere in Pennsylvania, were massacred by Indians, about 100 miles northwest of Custer City. The victims were brained with hatchets or tomahawks, and then scalped. The wagon belonging to Baker was rifled of everything valuable and carried off. The bodies of the victims will be decently buried when found.

circling the wagons



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