New-York Times / Sept. 5, 1885
ROCK SPRINGS, Wyoming, Sept. 4. — A glance over the battleground of Wednesday reveals the fact that many of the bullets fired at the fleeing Chinamen found their mark. Lying in the smoldering embers where Chinatown stood were found 10 charred and shapeless trunks, sending up a noisome stench, while another, which had evidently been dragged from the ashes by boys, was found in the sage brush nearby. The search resulted in the finding of the bodies of five more Chinamen, killed by rifle shots while fleeing from their pursuers. All were placed in pine coffins and buried yesterday afternoon. Some six or eight others were found seriously wounded, and were cared for by the railroad officers. The Coroner’s jury has rendered a verdict to the effect that the men came to their deaths at the hands of parties unknown. Reports from along the line of the railroad are to the effect that Chinamen have been arriving at small stations east and west of here, and they say that a large number of the fugitives were wounded by Wednesday’s attack, and that many have perished in the hills. It is feared that it will be found that no less than 50 lost their lives when all the returns are in. This trouble has been brewing for months. The contractors who run the mines have been importing Chinamen in large numbers and discharging white men, until over 600 Celestials were in their employ. It is said that the mine bosses have favored the Chinamen to the detriment of white miners, and it needed only a spark to kindle the flames. This was furnished by a quarrel between a party of Celestials
and whites in Mine No. 6 over their right to work in a certain chamber. A fight ensued and the Chinamen were worsted, four of them being badly wounded, one of whom has since died. The white miners then came out, armed themselves with firearms, and notified the men in the other three mines to come out in the afternoon. Meantime all was excitement in Chinatown. The flag was hoisted as a warning, and the Chinese working in different parts of the camp fled to their quarters. After dinner, the saloons closed and no liquor has since been sold. The miners gathered on the front streets, about 100 of them armed with guns, revolvers, hatchets, and knives, and proceeded toward Chinatown. Before reaching there they sent a committee of three to warn the Chinamen to leave in an hour. This they agreed to do, and started to pack up, but in about half an hour, the white men became impatient and advanced upon the Chinese quarters, shouting and firing their guns into the air. Without offering resistance, the Chinese fled with whatever they could snatch up. They fled to the hills about a mile east of the town, the miners firing at them as they fled. The miners then set fire to some of the houses, and soon eight or ten of the largest houses were in flames. Half choked with fire and smoke, numbers of Chinamen came rushing from the burning buildings, and, with blankets and quilts over their heads to protect themselves from stray rifle shots, they followed their retreating brothers into the hills at the top of their speed. A laundry in town was next visited and the inoffensive inmates shot dead. All the employes of the coal department of the railroad were ordered to leave town, which they did on the evening train. During the night, all the Chinese houses in town, numbering nearly 50, were burned to the ground. A number of Chinamen who were hiding fled from the burning buildings. It is rumored that the Mormon miners in the camp are to be ordered out, but no action in this direction has yet been taken. The miners here are entirely unorganized in the crusade and, although a large number of them are Knights of Labor, the move was not made under their directions. The miners have not been working since the riot. Business is almost entirely suspended and everything is quiet.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 4. – Gov. Warren, of Wyoming Territory, to-day telegraphed to the President and Secretary of War at Washington requesting the assistance of Federal troops in suppressing the disturbance at Rock Springs, Wyoming Territory, caused by the massacre of Chinese labors [sic] by miners.
CHEYENNE Wyoming, September 4. — The Chinamen driven out of rock Springs are gradually being picked up by trains going west and taken to Evanston, where 1000 Chinamen are living. These Chinese residents of Evanston are preparing to defend themselves, and purchase all the guns and ammunition in the market.
CHEYENNE, Wyoming, Sept. 5. — A special from Rock Springs to the Leader gives the latest information that can be obtained from the scene of the recent anti-Chinese troubles. All is quiet to-day and the miners have returned to work. At a meeting held last night measures were taken to put a stop to the drunken carousing of a few of their number who had been celebrating the removal of the Chinese. Two more dead Celestials were found today, one in the ruins of Chinatown and the other beneath a railroad bridge about a mile east of the place. The latter had been wounded and had managed to walk that far before giving up. Miners who took an active part in the attack upon Chinatown say that less than one-third of the dead Chinese in the ruins of the houses have been found thus far. They declare that no less than 25 were shot down inside the burned buildings. These buildings had dirt roofs, which covered up the dead Chinamen when the dwellings succumbed to the flames, and has no actual search has been made in the ruins. It is quite probable that the miners’ statements are true. Chinamen are still arriving at stations east and west, almost dead from fright and weak from fatigue and lack of food. All are shipped to Evanston by the company. They reiterate the statement that many have died in the hills from wounds received in the attack upon them. It is reported that the white miners at Almy, in the western end of the Territory, have notified the Chinese laborers in the mines that they must leave within three days, and it is said that the Union Pacific Company has guaranteed their removal within the time specified. The Celestials all along the road refused to work to-day, and demanded passes to Evanston. The Chinese laundrymen and servants at Green River were told last night that they must leave within 12 hours, and they will go west on today’s express.